Sunday Supper revisited.

Dear friends,


Back when I blogged under the name of Mayberry Magpie, I created a series of Monday posts called “Sunday Supper” about the family dinner I had created the evening before. I typically created elaborate place settings and menus, and then shared many photos of the table and all the recipes from the meal. On a handful of really complicated meals with multiple dishes, I even created step-by-step timelines to help the novice cook time her supper so that all dishes were ready to serve at the same time.

It was quite an undertaking. I often planned my meals a couple of weeks in advance, and I spent the entire day prepping, cooking, photographing and writing. I had a small but faithful readership and I did it because 1) planning and serving lovely meals is the thing I most love to do, an expression of art and love so inextricably linked to who I am that I very nearly consider it a calling; and 2) as silly as it sounds, I felt like I had found a creative niche. There are thousands of food blogs, but none other (that I knew of) that combined both cooking and table arranging into a single beautiful package. And I was always proud of the fact that I had no training and no hired help or stylists and I could say “Yes, that’s really what our table looked like for dinner and that’s really the menu I prepared.”

I suspect some thought my posts were for show. But the truth is I’ve not been blogging about Sunday Suppers for more than two years, but my family will attest that we still eat lovely meals I’ve prepared on tables set with china and linens most Sunday nights. I have an insatiable appetite for collecting dishes and linens and I figure my weekend enterprise puts my obsession to good use. Not to mention that the meals are usually pretty darn tasty.

And back to that calling thing — I feel so strongly about the value of family meals that I wrote this on my former blog:

     Family meal time is sacred. A home-cooked meal served on a lovely table in the company of loved ones will cure nearly all ills — nutritional, social, and spiritual.  Join me each week for a Sunday Supper that combines delicious food with inspiring tablescapes — the perfect combination for mealtime communions that create lasting memories.

I still feel that way, though I haven’t gone to such great lengths to share the results. But this week, I decided to wade back in to my old blogging waters . . . at least up to my ankles.

Last night we enjoyed one of the tastiest but simple meals I’ve prepared in a long time. I made this grilled tri-tip roast and served it thinly sliced with black bean and corn salad. That’s it, other than a few accompaniments like homemade salsa and corn tortilla chips, shredded cheddar cheese, and warm flour tortillas. I wrapped my beef in a warm tortilla with sour cream and cheese. Kate ate her beef with bean and corn salad over tortilla chips, nacho style. Parker and Mr. Mom simply consumed huge amounts of both beef and bean and corn salad. It was a style-your-own supper that worked for everybody.

And as usual, the table was colorful and pretty with black toile dishes, rattan chargers, a striped runner, red linen napkins, and a centerpiece of roses and hydrangeas.


Oh, and dessert was probably the best part! I warmed banana nut/chocolate chip muffins in the microwave and served each with a scoop of butter pecan ice cream and a drizzle of caramel/date topping. It was easy-peasy with a huge taste payoff, thanks to homemade muffins and the best date sauce you’ll ever eat. (For those interested in giving this a try, note that I followed the muffin recipe to the “T” except I added a half cup of chocolate chips.)


It was my friend and longtime reader Deb who commented on yesterday’s post and encouraged me to tell you about this Sunday’s Supper. And after being a lazy blogger for so very long, I decided to take her up on it, albeit with a slightly different format. Thanks, Deb, for reminding me how satisfying it is to share our family meals with a wider audience.

With gratitude {for faithful readers far and wide and and eager diners ’round my table},

Joan, who never knew how much she liked dates until she discovered the Date Lady (an Ozarks gem!) in a Springfield grocery store and is delighted to support a Missouri entrepreneur

Debt of Gratitude Corn and Bean Salad

(Also known as Joan’s Favorite Summertime Dip)

1 can of corn, drained
1 can of black beans, drained
5 green onions, chopped, including green parts
1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
2 jalapeno peppers, seeded and diced
2 avocados, peeled, seeded and chopped
1 bunch of cilantro, chopped
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
4 TBLS olive oil
4 TBLS lime juice
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper

Combine first 8 ingredients and set aside.  Whisk together olive oil, lime juice, salt and pepper.  Pour over other ingredients and mix well.  Cover and refrigerate until chilled.  Serve with tortilla chips.  Serves 8.

A bright spot.

Dear friends,

As you know if you read yesterday’s post, there was no TG in my IF this week. In addition to working Thursday and Friday night and all day Saturday, I ran over my dog, which is a sure way to ruin one’s weekend.

Things are looking up for Sunday, though.

I made some yummy banana-nut muffins for breakfast and I have this mouth-watering recipe on tap for our first Sunday Supper since Kate moved home for the summer. (And everybody knows how much I love family suppers!)

And . . . I added a lovely burst of color to our otherwise neutral living room in the form of a new rug and some throw pillows. Take a look:


As you can see, my furniture and my jute rug are all shades of camel. And my walls are white — which makes for a pretty bland room. (I know some would say my neutral palette is “calming” but I’m a person who craves color.) My pottery and art add pops of color, but I wanted something to grab your attention.

Here’s a close-up view:


Isn’t it amazing what a colorful rug and pillows can do for your room?

I’ve selected some bright yellow fabric to sew a slipcover for my ottoman. And I hope to reupholster the sofa in a luxe navy velvet if I ever save enough money.

In the mean time, my pretty new rug perks things up considerably.

And sometimes, a bright spot is all a girl needs.

With gratitude {for a quick fix},

Joan, whose also thrilled to have her favorite grocery shopper back in the house, despite what it means for her snack habits